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The Arrows Construction Steel Advantage

Today, steel buildings are pre-engineered creating structures with very little waste and which use only the exact amount of steel studs required for the individual building. Steel is so much stronger than wood, the amount of studs needed to frame a house is much less. Steel construction has also been around long enough now that there is a large pool of experienced framers who can erect a pre-engineered steel building quickly and cost efficiently.

The price of steel has remained stable for a long time- this allows accurate budget estimates. Wood costs fluctuate wildly. Because steel is a manufactured commodity, product quality is assured. Steel studs have no knots, twists, splits or other defects often associated with wood studs. Due to frequent lumber shortages, “green” wood is often used in building projects. That can result in warping, cracking and splitting – all of which cause decreased energy efficiency. Pre-engineered steel buildings are erected much faster than traditional buildings. Steel buildings have a better track record in both earthquakes and hurricanes. Steel is one of the strongest building materials available, many times stronger than wood. Steel is non-flammable – it will actually contain a fire and keep it from spreading. Wood framing is one of the biggest hazards in a fire. Safe from termites, rot and mold, and drying out – it won’t shrink, warp or swell. Sturdy and durable – free of high maintenance costs. Walls stay straight, floors are flat, doors and windows do not stick. The difference becomes even more dramatic over time- years from now a steel building will be as straight, as sturdy, and as beautiful as the day you moved in. Long lifespan, long warranties on the structure, roof and painted exterior finish (a metal roof lasts 2-3 times longer than an asphalt shingle roof). Steel is the most recycled material on earth- all new steel is currently produced with recycled steel. Steel buildings are pre-engineered for cost efficiency as well as ease and speed of construction. Steel studs and joists are pre-punched with holes to allow the passage of electrical, telephone, TV cables, etc.,- a huge time and money saver when erecting the building. Despite all these unarguable advantages, there remain many misconceptions and half-truths about steel framing.